
Dry Cleaner & Drop Store (#1377)

$330,000 $300,000

Location: Area with median income population in DE (델라웨어 백인 중산층 쇼핑몰)

Weekly Sales from Dry Cleaner (세탁소 주매상): $5,200 average in 2013

Weekly Sales from Drop shop (드랍샵 주매상): $2,000 average in 2013

Monthly Net Income: $14,490 (주인 부부, full time 4명 기준)

Rent: $3,360/month for Dry Cleaner. $1,900/month for Drop shop

Loan: SBA Loan possible (SBA 융자가능)

Other Information: 1,900 SQFT for Dry Cleaner. 1,500 SQFT for Drop shop

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