Dry Cleaners and/or Building #2166


  • Location: Shopping mall in South New Jersey 
  • Weekly Sales: $4,600 on average in 2022 ($6,000/m at 2019 y)
  • Rent: $3,500/month (including R/E Tax and CAM. 3000 SQFT)
  • Lease: 5 years fixed with 5 years option (5년 고정/5년 옵션)
  • 최신설비, Hydro Carbon, Wet Cleaners, Double Shirts Machine, 일체 양호
  • Monthly Net Income : $12,960 (Owner 2 명 기준, Rent $3,500 Payment 기준
  • Whole Sale 할 경우 월 순수익 급증 보장.
  • Asking Price : Business $150,000 + Building Price: $350,000 (option)
  • Other Information: Business owner is the building owner. 1 Hydrocarbon, 1 Wet cleaner  (세탁소 오너가 빌딩도 소유)
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