Dry Cleaner with Building (#1331)


Location: Residential area in South New Jersey (남부뉴저지)

Weekly Sales from own Dry cleaning services(자체 주매상): $4,000

Weekly Sales from Whole sale of Dry cleaning services(홀세일 주매상): $2,000

Monthly Net Income: $11,550 (주인 부부, 종업원 2명 기준)

Rent: $2,000/month (excluding Real estate tax and CAM. 1,650 SQFT)

Building Price: included in the asking price. located in the busiest street. (매매가에 빌딩가격 포함. 사거리에 위치. 부동산 가치 높음)

Loan: SBA Loan possible (SBA 융자가능)

Other Information: Business established about 4 year ago. Drive-thru system (현재 오너 4년 운영)

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